Thursday, October 23, 2008

DRAFT 02 - The 80s - Rules

Congrats on the first draft. This one involves a bit more strategy, but it's fun.
Click TEAM PAGES on the right for info, pics, video and analysis!

What best captures the essence of the 80s?

FIVE Rounds, PICK THREE AT A TIME! - 15 total picks, chosen in any order.

  • Songs/Videos (6 Total)
  • Toys/Collectibles (3)
  • Fad (1)
  • TV Show - Any Genre (1)
  • Movie - Any Genre (1)
  • Actor (1)
  • Actress (1)
  • Catchphrase (1)
RULES: (with 48 hour pick rule)
IMPORTANT - It's like Scattegories, if an item/person is picked, another person CANNOT pick it for a different category! The exception is actors/movies don't cancel each other out. Also, to force variety, each team may only have ONE song/video from any specific artist. For example, I can't choose 6 Journey songs. I can only choose one. OTHER TEAMS can pick the OTHER Journey songs though. Also, one team CAN choose both a Genesis and a Phil Collins song, since they're different names. Plus, that leaves the others open for all to share!

With all issues, to keep it simple, I have final say ;)

Here is your draft order: randomized at I'ts a snake draft, so the last team will take two turns in a row at 1.8 and 2.1, then we crawl back up the order.

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-2... etc. (choose THREE picks at a time!)

  • 1. Team Cybertron
  • 2. Mister Merchants
  • 3. Roughnecks
  • 4. Chivarly Is Dead
  • 5. Fridge Lords
  • 6. Literati Fantastique
  • 7. The Regulators
  • 8. Nothing Special

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